Monday, 18 February 2013

Week 6

Week 6 13/2/13 - 19/2/13
Tuesday -13/2/13
Today has been an interesting day. Woke up as usual and went through the usual routine without anything interesting happening and fast ford pretty much to class. Today we started our ministry and my team ‘East’ got to go to the prison. Yes I was terrified off my face, losing my mind and preparing myself for the fact that I would probably lose a finger but to cut a long story short and get right to the moral of this tale; the people I live with are probably more of a threat to my fingers.
 In our Monday morning devotion the topic was love being valentines and it was a bit sick for us younger people in a way. The Ugandans here are very into love relationships, Valentine ’s Day etc but us, Westerners are (me and I think Hannah) aren’t too keen on the whole idea of love in this tacky context. Anyway so the guy is getting a bit funny and quotes how in the bible Adam and Eve were naked so we all laugh and before you know it he’s pulled out this spinning wheel were married couples have to spin it every week and do what it says. So he spins it and guess what the activity is for the week, to take a shower us much as possible that week; so me and Hannah (who are sitting next to each other) swap a few dry reaching shriveled prune faces at what our bleeding ears have just heard. It was the grottiest, funniest and randomness thing I may have heard at church but I guess it’s better than divorce.
Anyway we then went to class were we spent the morning (after being told where each team was going) planning out our ministry pieces. My team had a message to give, a song to sing and to pray for the inmates. Gloria was our preacher, Winnie our worship leader, Moses the speaker and myself along with the rest of the team were prayers. Four people from east went to the women’s section so I really can’t give any detail to what happened there.  Then we had a speaker before lunch talk about trust in human relationships and between you and God. Then it was lunch with the usual African delicacies of beans, rice, motuki (this is probably 100% the wrong spelling but that is what it sounds like) and fatty beef chunks all drowned in a nice watery sauce. Then we were off to my fate (which like most things was in my head) the prison. I honestly didn’t know what to expect. We arrived and had to sign in, listen to the officer in charge and just wait. I honestly couldn’t believe how simple and basic everything was. There was no gates and wire between the prisoners and the main gate, just one large door and a perimeter fence. I still don’t fully understand the setup but when we went out the prisoners were all sitting in an overhang veranda off their cells and ready to listen to us. Most of the prisoners here were in for claimed charges that they actually hadn’t been convicted for but where just waiting for their court hearing and were for fighting or basic theft; so really not to dangerous. We joined in as they lead worship and played these broken drums like pros and then had a basic introduction in which Moses had to translate into Lugandan (again probably wrong spelling and probably wrong pronunciation)  for me. We then sat down as Gloria preached hr message to the inmates which Joseph translated for me as I am obviously illiterate when it comes to Lugandan. Gloria was pretty much a pro, and was just incredible and we have deemed her bishop of Canterbury. One guy was like she’s like a pastors wife and then Joseph said or her husband will be a pastors husband; was funnier at the time. Anyway then Winnie using her incredible vocals sung a worship song and we had the inmates come up and we prayed for them. Some spoke some English which I was able to understand their prayer request while others I had no idea and just prayed for them. I honestly felt hopeless not being able to communicate with them and almost felt like I should have left it to the people who could speak Lugandan; but what is done is done. We then left after that and when I got back to our room I realized just how exhausted mentally and physically I was. I mean I haven’t been having any emotional breakdowns or even cried yet (wish I would) but I am realizing I have been taking in so much deep stuff I am feeling a little overwhelmed and confused in my spirit. Then we got the news that the 360 class would be helping usher at the Valentines banquet (so myself and I think a few of the other internationals freaked out about what we would have to wear as we don’t just have the clothes on hand or the money to go out and buy a new outfit). Then Thomas, Natalie and Callie were going to go and see Sky fall but apparently it didn’t start till 9:30pm so we ditched that and buy the time we got home it would have been 6:45pm so I was then also limited in time to blog and bible read which added to my days stress load. The we had a family meeting after tea which got pretty deep and meaningful so I am now trying to quickly write today’s blog and get everything out.
In our conversation we discussed a few things and of course I compare myself to as what I wasn’t doing that everyone else was and felt overwhelmed in my head. I am feeling very spiritually, emotionally and somewhat physically drained, dead, dormant, frustrated, confused and just in the clouds a bit. I wish I could be emotional (like I usually am) and have some big happy days experience and be all emotionally high and feel like I could take on the world; but I haven’t and even though I have mulled over this I am wondering if I will change at all while I am here, what I am meant to achieve and discover or what I am doing with myself right now, am I taking every opportunity and making the most of it? No, because I just don’t have the energy or capacity of brain to right now. Everything is happening so fast and I half feel like I am being to arrogant and slow to utilise every opportunity, but I am probably just making up a huge story in my mind. I hope I have some big epiphany and moment that changes my life forever, but chances are I won’t. I am having fun but I wish I could just be sure of some things and not feel like I am always doing something wrong. Anyway that is what I am feeling today and I can’t say there’s some big happy moral of the story ending today because I will probably go to bed feeling flat and confused about things; and that’s ok if that’s what God allows. There is a lot I want to say but maybe they are just empty words that I need to keep in my head to mull over and try to piece together. Anyway that is all for today, so as much peace as I have from Africa.
Wednesday -14/2/13
Today started off like every day, so we will cut to the morning period in class. As a team we prepared for Thursdays ministry, so for my team we are going to one of the baby homes tomorrow and then to a school to give a message. So I’m pretty sure that tomorrow we will just be cleaning and doing jobs like that and chances of us actually holding babies will be slim. For the high school we had to plan a message and a cell plan. Our main idea was about self esteem so we based the message around what it is and how different aspects can influence one’s self esteem and then what the bible has to say about it. Our cell agenda for their cell groups was thus based around simple questions about self esteem and the also what the bible has to say about it all.
We had a session about honor as a Christian which I got a lot out of and was presented by a woman who had worked with world famous artists like JZ (the wrapper) in organizing concerts. So as scary as she came across I really liked what she had to say and believe that she had a fair idea what she was on about, because she used herself as an example of some problems one might have concerning honor. I asked her a question “Is there ever a time when it is considered ‘right’ to disobey someone who has authority over you and to dishonor them in the instance of them doing something simply wrong?” She said yes that God will brings these along and he will use them to test us and we are not run and cower from them, because he will use these to test and mold us. So I think I found some closer from an incident that had happened in school where I sacrificed a lot and dishonored someone who had authority for a greater good.
The in the afternoon we had to go and buy clothes for the Valentines banquet in which we have been asked to help with. We needed to have a white shirt, black pants, black shoes and a black tie. So as I didn’t have any of these things I had to buy the shirt pants and borrow shoes and a belt from Brian. I must say that I wasn’t ecstatic about having to buy them because I don’t exactly have money to burn; with a set budget for each week, it will be tight this week with a good chink gone. Anyway we headed down into the deep labyrinth of shops and stall with so many different things I wonder how people make a living. Walking through small corridors, people calling out my friend because I am white, grabbing your wrist, having to keep your hands over your pockets to not be pick pocketed, trying to not get lost and just survive. It is hard because you let one person in front of you and your gone, you have to be ruthless and just barge your way through the crowds. We had little luck with all the shops that Brain new to be good seeing a white person and tripling the price. We eventually did find an honest shop where we god brand new shirts but then as our time was quickly coming to an end Brian had to leave us and then purchase the other items himself in order to get reasonable deals. We then headed back and thankfully everyone else was still out trying to find the missing pieces to their outfits. I talked with Esther for a while waiting for everyone to come back. They eventually did and everyone found what they needed but unfortunately Emily had her necklace snatched from her neck so that put a downer on the atmosphere along with everyone being simply over it all. Today has been quiet full on testing me physically (walking through the maizes of shops), spiritually (with the honor session) and then emotionally (in general everything together). So that is today and I am now absolutely exhausted and can barely right this now.
Thursday -15/2/13
Today we went to the baby home for the first half of the day and then went and taught at a high school. At the baby home we had a tour of all the different sections concerning age levels and disabilities. We were then split up to do various manual jobs around the home. I was short-listed to clean the roof which involved sweeping the floor and scrubbing the walls around a high tower in the middle of the roof that opened at the top to let light in to the center of the home. That was quiet a lot of work and it was hot being on a roof. Then we moved all the toys and baby rockers/holders outside and scrubbed them all. That was alright however also very boring. I did watch some of the mothers with their babies but otherwise that is as close as I got to them. Then we went to Garden city for lunch and I bought chicken and chips in which they gave me half a chook and a large chips and two large waters for less than $8. Gotta love Uganda for its prices. Then we went to a Christian high school to give a message on self esteem and then to hand out  cell agendas that we created. Callie was the group leader and had decided that we would all talk about a different part of self esteem so that we all contributed. The students started off with hymns which were very nice and then we were handed the stage. The school was constructed of bricks and then a main hall with a simple tin roof, simple wooden panels for the walls and then a dirt floor. However as God would have it as we started it began to rain and then got really heavy. Being a tin roof our voices could not be heard with the loud roaring of the rain on the roof. So Moses was asked by Callie to preach the whole sermon as his voice was loud enough. Then as we finished so did the rain. We then went home and lived happily ever after.
As boring as I felt the day was I was concerned that such an incredible experience, was to me very boring and draining. But I was talking with Callie and I discovered that I had learnt something that would help clarify a lot of my confusion to what I have been feeling. God doesn’t care about our plans or what think, he has his own agenda. I could have written it in a nicer way but that is simply it. We had a big plan about how we would do our sermon but God had a different idea; and maybe there wasn’t any more to the heavy rain then to teach me that simple lesson. And even the baby’s home, as boring as I thought it was I don’t know how much I might have blessed someone or what I may have unconsciously learnt. I think the key to enjoying something is to simply have a good attitude and just decided you will enjoy something. Unfortunately for me when I get board I start to fall asleep and become exhausted in which leaves a bland taste from that experience. I think that is why kids listen to music when they do homework and school work; because they are so board the music gives their brain something interesting to digest and stay alert and awake. Anyway that was today’s lesson, nothing incredible or emotionally changing for life...just one simple lesson...God has his own agenda.
Oh and happy Valentine’s day. Us guys in the Watoto 360 group had organized (ok mostly Thomas) to secretly give the girls roses. We all dressed up in white or blue shirts (or at least as best we could), lined up while Andrew played some songs on guitar and the girls walked in one at a time and received a rose from each guy. It was totally cheesy but I guess it had some purpose even though I’m not totally convinced. But regardless I know God approved of the idea after he lectured me about the importance of taking the effort to appreciate people (in this case the girls). God uses the things that we don’t like to teach us our biggest lessons.
Friday -16/2/13
Today was the day of the Valentine Banquet in which us 360 students have been asked to help. We had a late start today which was simply heavenly. We went to the Serina in the morning to help setup but we were actually not needed so we mostly sat around. I talked to Peter Esset which was awesome to unload some things in my head too. Then we headed back to the church to have lunch. On the way to and back Rita was styling my hair; the Ugandan girls seem to have a fascination which our hair as it is straight and regardless it is nice them playing with it because it like a massage. Lunch was the usual and then we had time to just chill until we had to get ready. We had dance lessons in which we were taught a simple dance and then in our district teams had to practice it and then perform it in front of the rest of the 360 students. Of course I struggled being white but of course every Ugandan had natural rhythm and by just lifting their leg it looked like they were doing some intense dance move. I am not going to talk about the people who could dance really well because I will just depress myself on all my readers.  Some teams did really badly with not the whole team doing it properly and then had to do it again. I can tell you now there was no way I was planning on doing it twice. Cutting to the end of the story my team won and we got a bag of chocolates. Apparently I can dance well enough and we didn’t have to do it twice. Moral of the story Ugandans can dance incredible and effortlessly well.
The time had then come for us to get ready for the banquet. The girls got our room and us guys had to find somewhere else to get ready. I t was taking a while for them to find us a room so some of us (including me) quickly stripped in this closed off side corridor and then got dressed before anyone even noticed. We had people ironing as well and they ironed my pants as I was unable to do it ‘properly’ as the amount of times I have worn pants like that I could count on my hand; whereas here they wear then all the time. Again the moral of the story Ugandans can do almost anything. We found a room and I finished getting ready. I was told a few times I looked like a movie star so I am not sure if they were being nice, sarcastic or truthful. Hoping for truthful but reality points to the first two. Everyone looked incredible (as their metabolism and lifestyle means that the word fat doesn’t exist in Uganda and everyone is simply ripped) and they all looked like movie stars themselves. Then we all made our way to the busses and the girls all looked really nice as well. We then got to Serinas took some pictures and were allocated what we would do. I was chosen to be inside and mingle with the guest and make them feel welcome. I was happy to be one of the few selected and felt very special. Inside it was incredible however there was a lot of standing around and I was with Hannah for most of that time. She was struggling with her shoes (I don’t know why women buy high heels and then complain...just don’t wear them) being uncomfortable and kept telling herself she was a warrior which seemed to work. We then talked with this immaculate looking American couple who work at Watoto church; the wife is simply stunning and the husband isn’t far behind so it was pretty awesome casually chatting to (as I call them) Mr and Mrs Fabulous.  At this time the lot of my role thickens as I am chosen to stand in the descending stairs within the actual room setup for the banquet along the stairs with six others to welcome the guests in. I felt like I was in the holy of holies like the temple in the bible as everything was just stunning with giant white curtains lining the walls and ceiling, giant class vases with lights in them and rose petals everywhere all topped off with a red carpet. It was an incredible feeling because I felt so professional in the setting. The guest apparently all decided that they were going to be fashionably late so we were standing around a lot and talking. Then guest did come and it wasn’t a very big job for all the time we were actually there. Rita who was with us looked absolutely immaculate, flawless and was more beautiful than the guest themselves and Gloria looked like an absolute diva in her outfit. Our job came to an end and of course much more happened but I simply can’t write it all. We all went to the car park were we had refreshments of sodas and muffins. Some fun was had there in that short time and then we headed off for home. We planned to stop by Narkomart as we were given tomorrow off in sight of our busy week. Just as we were about to turn in a stupid taxi smashed into our rear and gave it a good dint, so Arbey had to go sort him out. We then went to Narkomart and bought sodas and ice-cream. We then watched a movie and crashed into bed. It has been a very busy day but has been very adventurous, different and fun. Peace out from Africa.
Saturday -17/2/13
Today we had off because of our late night last night at the Valentines banquet. I slept in till about 9:00, which was really nice and I actually wanted to sleep in which was great. Then I decided to finish off a painting that I started, but was going to paint over because Thomas really liked it and offered to buy it; so I obviously had no obstruction to the purchase. We watched valentine’s Day whilst I painted and then after that we all got ready to walk to Java’s for lunch. It was quiet a hike. I ordered a beef burger and a coke and also drank Natalie’s coffee shot as she didn’t like it; unfortunately I received no energy burst. In hind sight I wish I hadn’t gone, even though the place was nice I wish I hadn’t spent the money as I was somewhat tight this week with the unexpected purchases for Valentine’s day. After lunch we went to church where I talked with David and listened to some of his cool rap music. Church was really good and was about ‘sexual integrity which followed the integrity theme. Then we came home and had dinner. Then the girls got a very intellectual, sober judged and sophisticated idea to pierce their ears. Natalie and Callie (the most unexpected suspects) had their ears pierced by Thomas who did a really good job. I honestly don’t know what goes on in their heads and how they came to that conclusion, but I none the less filmed them (as much as I could as the other girls carried on screaming and getting as close to the action as possible. So that was the events of the day and I am now trying to catch up on the last four days of blogging as I have been so exhausted I just couldn’t write anything.
I am feeling a bit lonely because no one else just gets me and my Australianness, no matter what I do or say I am offending one of the internationals and in a way I am just over it. I think I will just be a bit of an introvert again because I am on a different wavelength to everyone here at home and do not understand the humour or anything. However I am getting closer to my Ugandan friends who have asked me to post pictures on face book for them. I don’t know if they are using me or if they genuinely trust me, but I feel like I am able to serve in a sense. I have been talking to varies people and they all say that Australian’s fit in the best to Ugandan slang culture and I am starting to understand what they mean now as time goes on. I am really tired and mentally exhausted so I will try and have early nights from now on, even though I know chances of that happening are very slim. God is teaching me things not so much in the classes or ministry experiences but more in the social interactions I am having and changing my perception of people so that I understand that everyone has a talent and has something to offer the world as much as I wonder if some people have a brain, God is showing me they have intelligence. So that that is turning out to be an interesting season whit me getting mad with people than God humbling me into submission to the fact that everyone has intelligence because everyone bears the likeness of God.  I was talking to Natalie about some things and I felt after getting some of my basic thoughts out I found understanding in my confusion. I think I might start talking to Peter though as he is a guy like me and he has a similar personality to mine and I think he is awesome and look up to him in many ways. What I would do for a day with my friends at the river. Anyway I guess that I have to learn to adapt to the differences of the people around me and I do have Sherly (another Australian living here) to help me cope. Haven’t had a breakdown yet unlike everyone else but I am shore I will when I find a moment to let my guard down. Missing everyone in Australia so so so bad and will never take anyone for granted again. I hope that I can become better friends with everyone regardless of how much we all clash and that I will get a chance to show a side no one had seen of me yet. I have been the relaxed larrikin because I haven’t had to lead anyone and everyone is older which is nice, but I am missing my old strict and plain self. I don’t know what else to say but I am missing everyone at the moment and hope you are enjoying my photos on face book, my blogs and missing me.
Sunday -18/2/13
Today we were serving at our church districts. I have decided that I would go to work in the children’s ministry, but I was asked to help take chairs to another sector for youth and then was asked to stay and help out for the first session; so I missed the first session in the children’s ministry. I then went back for second service but then when the different age groups were breaking off we had our break so I missed second service. Then for third service it is usually smaller and I stacked chairs. So today I was very board and felt like I hadn’t achieved anything, and as much as everyone thinks I shouldn’t think like that, that is just how I feel. God is teaching me things I guess, but because I am not doing anything and just sitting around my mind starts to shut down and I feel exhausted from doing nothing by the end and it isn’t the most breath taking experience that I have every week; so Sunday’s aren’t my favorite day. For me I find that I talk to my fellow team mates and just bond with them. The more I am with them the less I am white, the less they are black and the more I just see them as people with different faces and personalities. They are simply like the rest of the world; intelligent, beautiful, friendly and they respond like most people if you are just real with them. I feel like even though I have only been here six weeks and they have been together all their lives I am finding my spot in their groups and am just a part of their group. I love it and really want to focus on my friendships with them because they are rally awesome people and I relate with them really easily. 
I am feeling introverted at the moment and want to start taking everything more seriously that I am now fully settled in and will probably try and have more alone time at home to process as much of each day’s events as much as I can. For the past weeks I have been following our crowd and watching movies and going out with everyone to just be a part of the group but have been encouraged to do what I want on my days off. It has been nice hanging out with the people that I live with but things need to now get serious; no more games. And when I say this I don’t mean anything serious just that I need to start focusing on what God is teaching me and not being exhausted with everything every waking hour; I like to be alone. In saying that, Esther has offered her veranda to me, so that I can get away and be in my own world when I need to. So this afternoon I used a spare mattress and set up my laptop and painting stuff and watched modern family whilst I painted. I feel so refreshed spiritually and will probably do that all day as well. I felt so happy just being in my own world and it was nice because I felt a bit like I was at home; which was just fantastic. This week has been interesting and I have learnt a lot about me in physical, spiritual and emotional aspects’ such as my strengths, weaknesses, where I stand with people and how to have my own voice in my own head. One more week until we have a week break so just got to hang in till then.
Monday -19/2/13
Today has been a very slow day off. I think I have a cold today so I have been trying to baby it as to not be sick this week. I slept in till 9:30am and went straight to the veranda with my paints laptop for a very introvert day. I spent the whole morning painting, watching modern family and having an incredibly wonderful time. I then came down for lunch to find Emily starting on the construction of Natalie’s dreadlock; pretty sure Natalie is turning into a hippy but who am I to judge. Had lunch of soup and toast and watermelon, then returned to my lair on the veranda. Feeling a bit tired I had a nap. I woke up and started working on my blogs in which my angel (we are playing a game where every week you draw someone out of a hat and bless them for that week) brought me a cup of hot chocolate with a note. We then played a family game of ‘this game’ and had tea of shepherd’s pie which was amazing. And then I returned to the veranda off Ester’s room and have been writing ever since. It is now just 8:00pm and I am very pleased with today’s efforts of just doing nothing and being productive at it. I can’t wait to do it again. We will probably have our family meeting; I will catch up on bible reading, post this and go to sleep. A few other things happened and that is pretty much my day, pray that I don’t get sicker and have a very interesting, engaging, challenging and productive week.. It is dark as I sit here listening to the mosk bellow and from outside it is actually quite nice with its blurred chant and somewhat harmonious whaling. Week six is now complete and I have been here for one month and a half Peace out from Africa for another week.

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