Monday, 11 March 2013

Week 9- persuit of Happiness

Week 9 5/3/13 - 11/3/13
I am going to do my weekly blog a bit differently and just include the interesting parts, you probably don’t want to really know about what I am eating and how the bus ride was.
Tuesday -5/3/13
On Tuesday our ministry was at the baby’s home. For the first chunk of our visit time Jonal and I cleaned the pool so that later that afternoon the babies could have a swim as it was hot that day. That was pretty simple, just scrubbing and rinsing it and I even used so plumbing skills unblocking the drainage pipe by shoving the hose right down it. Anyway about fifteen minutes before we had to leave they were going to feed the baby’s so we got to feed them. I carried out a baby called George who is so cute! They were feeding them outside and had the baby’s propped up against pillows as they sucked their bottles. It was so cool and I was watching about four babies making sure they had their bottles, repositioning them when they rolled over and just watching their eyes looking around and basking in their adorableness. So that was a highlight for the first day of the week and I have completed one of the things I wanted to do and more... I wanted to hold an African baby. Check.
Wednesday -6/3/13
Today I bought Minnie a Giraffe as today is my animal purchase day and a Buffalo for Ashley. The tip of the Buffalo’s horn was snapped off I discovered after unwrapping it, however I used my scissors to carve it like the other one and if it was covered in the varnish you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.
Then today I lead cell and the topic was ‘Who is Jesus to you’. It was one of those subjects were you’re like what is this but as I thought about it more I realised what a good question it was. So I learnt a lot of things about who Jesus was to people and discovered who he was to me in may aspects. I have lways struggled with understanding Jesus on a personal level because I feel the bible doesn’t portray him in a way that shows his true character. I feel like the bible at least for me shows him as yes a great guy but on the character I only see a blunt, introvert who is perfect and doesn’t really want to get to involved in anything. But after our discussion I actually thought about it and who Jesus really is. In reality the bible and from my own experience has lead me to the conclusion that Jesus is this incredible guy who you just want to be around, has perfect virtues, is tuff, isn’t a hippy, probably had a cool hip short beard and in the spiritual world is a fearsome, tuff,  powerful warrior. And he is so in love with me that he is always there never judging and even though we feel like he is so far away, Jesus is there just saying turn around and turn your eyes to me; give me everything and I’ll work it out, just follow me and everything will work out.  So that’s what I discovered about him and I feel like I have really been opened up and y spirit is being prepared for some serious dental work if you get my drift. I am also starting to understand how people are so in love and just high on Jesus, and it is simply because this great guy who is just the best and awesome loves me always, forgives me everything and wants to know me to the end of the universe and back; I don’t know about you but that’s a pretty cool God.
Thursday -7/3/13
Today was our full ministry day; we went to Rift Rack and had a pretty cool adventure. At rift rack we taught a lesson to them about how practising your relationship with God will only make it better and used the analogy of practising soccer. We sat in this big hut which was very charming, except for one thing... the top of the inside was covered in webs and you could see the spiders (they looked a lot like the bush spiders you see in Longreach). Regardless I thought it was absolutely disgusting as if you didn’t know I am terrified of those creatures... the one animal I that I question if it really did come from God or did it crawl from the pits of hell... who knows. I was sitting down in a spot where there were none directly above me and then Winnie found out that I didn’t like them so got a piece of grass and tickled the back of my neck while I am sitting under the hut and I never felt so sick in a second in my life, I still crawl when I think about it. So I jumped up to sit next Callie and she says there aren’t even any out, and we look up and behold there is a mother right above us... I basically ran back to my spot and blackmailed Winnie I think to leave me alone; I am pretty good at black mailing.
Anyway moving on from the spiders, we got to teach the boys a memory verse; however none of them can speak English so I am not sure why we had to teach them in English, but I did make up actions for them to copy. After we had done our little piece we had a tour of the homes and the farming side. It was really cool because it wasn’t like one of those nasty Orphanages you see in the movies or like the people didn’t like them; the guys in charge adored those boys and were so encouraging to them as they sung their welcome song. We bought some sugar cane at 500 shillings a stalk which is basically 20 cents. Then I spotted a mother hen with three very young chicks. I wanted to hold them but if the mother attacked it would be embarrassing being a muzungu and being attacked by a mother hen. Anyway I watched them and to my luck a chick got stuck in this concrete thing with sides and the mother moved on unaware. So I quickly moved over and picked up the chick. I had some photos with it as you can see on face book and then the lady taking the photos said, ok now go hold the mother and we all had a laugh. Everyone thinks I am crazy because I love chickens so much, but if only they could understand how much they are a part of my family. I then had a picture taken were I look really skinny, so my day was complete and happy with an interesting adventure in the field of ministry. Thankyou God for a fun day.
Friday -8/3/13
Friday was  a day off were we celebrated National Women’s day and I am pretty sure we did nothing. I walked to Nakumart and bought some fresh bread which I devoured throughout the day for lunch. That was basically the most exciting thing besides swapping music with Hannah. The end.
Saturday -9/3/13
Saturday was sports day at Bera. I was on first aid and I cannot tell you how fast they all run. We timed a guy and he was probably a second off the world record. I mean some of them had to be carried to our area to be massaged because they ran that hard and have glucose shoved into their mouths. It was insane especially in terms of comparison of our sports carnivals. I mean O thought those athletic kids were really good with all their training and stuff, but in Africa every white guy is just playing for second... unless its swimming. I mean everyone just goes for it, no one is overweight and everyone is phenomenal. I mean if you weren’t going to run at 100km/h from the word go you wouldn’t even consider competing at this carnival. In one word the day was ‘athleticinsanity’.

Sunday -10/3/13
Today was serving at the districts, it went pretty fast so that was good. We came home and the girls discovered a sick bird in our yard, so naturally I was called. It couldn’t even walk and I tried feeding it wet bread but it would keep vomiting it up. I was the only one game to help it because everyone else was apparently scared of it. It was a small white water bird. We basically agreed if it wasn’t better or dead by Monday I would put it out of its misery.

After that ordeal and me scrubbing my hands thoroughly we had my favorite dinner of chicken and chips.Whilst we were eating we heard the street kids calling out “Where is Jack?” and “Come out Jess” and decided that we would come out after tea and play with them. We have been building a relationship with these kids and I think they are beginning to love us to even the point of obsession. Natalie and I had finished washing up and walked out to the gate in which a roar of excitement, squeals and pure joy erupted from the outside of the brown metal. We opened the gate and were mobbed by who knows how many children embracing us in a tightening ring around us. The girls took Natalie up out of our drive way and the boys seeing me trying to shut the gate as I leaned out over the ring of them around my waste helped me pull the gate shut allowing me to easily lock the bolt. I was then also taken up to the circle being formed by the children. I had children fighting over who would hold my hand, one coming in casually going to break the hold of the kid holding my hand only to receive a swift smack for daring too; not much I can do I try and let them sort it out themselves and they usually just hold whatever they can. The game consisted of a song in lugandan in which we would skip around in a circle. It eventually evolved into each girl calling out her name and doing a dance as they others clapped. Callie by this time had come out and joined the circle and her name was being called so she attempted the hip dance the little girls had been doing and pulled it off pretty well. I however saw the warning signs that my name might be called out so I quickly detached myself and walked up the hill to were some older boys were sliding down it on pieces of plastic. All the boys in the game left and followed me and it was then I realized that it was probably a girls game and the boys were just playing to be near me. I don’t know if I have already talked  about it but they use any piece of plastic like ice cream lids and use them to slide down the hill. But when I say the slide down this isn’t butterfly's and fairy's they reach some good speeds and if they fell would probably be badly hurt. I think this speaks volumes of the raw skills and brilliant imaginations these kids have and that they can use an ice cream lid to generate the same feeling of a motorbike going over a jump or some parts of a roller coaster; they are just brilliant and I love them so much and I think they sense that and respond to it. The evening was quickly fading into darkness and we were now approached by Winnie a leader oft the group and demanded/asked to tell them a story. We agreed and she announced to the children in lugandan the next event and again the roar of excitement was in the air and ringing in our ears as they flocked to the top of our drive way finding positions as Winnie commanded them were to go. We were puzzled as to what story to tell and came up with the solution to tell bible stories. Why not make everyday the mission field. We first told the story of David and Goliath. I had narrated and the girls acted them out and we picked kids to play various rolls. There was this one boy who I think is cross eyed and I think had to go to the toilet but didn’t want to miss a thing. He was jumping up and down and just laughing like ‘I really need to go’. Anyway we chose him to be David and we got the stone part and then he was off running up and down the road to find three rocks. For a minute I didn’t know how to tell the story as I think the three of us were wondering if he would actually throw them at Callie or just pretend. I decided that we had to make a sacrifice and Callie might have to suffer in Jesus name. Luckily he didn’t. We finished and were given a thank you clap which is a rhythmic clap. We then continued with our bible stories of Noah’s Ark, Jesus making lots of fish and bread. Winnie then told a story which didn’t quite follow the theme of our stories with a happy ending. Her story consisted of a cow and a monkey and the cow asked for some bananas but the monkey said no and the cow died of starvation. It was charming nun the less and by this time mothers had come to see what the kids were all gathered about and to take their children home. We then deiced ti finish the day with a prayer in which Natalie prayed over them. We hugged them all good night, gave high fives and tried to slip inside without the children who eagerly clung to us. Solomon had some food to bring in and the kids helped us carry it in and they were ecstatic to be inside our yard. They sated on the car park and did a good job carrying in the food. They ran around screaming just simply because they were inside. Anyway our day ended as we waved our last goodbyes and stood inside our yard looking at each other feeling so happy and complete. I can’t wait to play with them again and feel that we can show the Jesus love as some families are Muslim and others non believers. Such simple stories to us were incredible to them. I had to obviously make them simple and keep to a skinny plot  and it seemed to work. It is amazing how much just spending time with kids and a smile will influence them. In the end its just all about Love.
Monday -11/3/13
Today started off like most of my Mondays...a long sleep in. Then at 1:30pm we went to the Mexican restaurant we have been planning to go to for some time. I ordered a burger whilst everyone else had the Mexican dishes they all greatly missed. I decided that with all the spices and weird tastes that it was safer to just go with what I knew, it wasn’t the greatest, but wasn’t the worst and I probably won’t be going back. However the main idea was to meet some girls who were volunteering at the bay’s home; it was really nice to get to know them and I think they had felt and gone through a lot of the same things we went through.
After that we walked to the craft market where I ordered an elephant painting. I am so excited to see it completed and actually get it. I had intended to buy another painting that A lady had told me I could have for 150,000shillings which is $50 but when I went and saw her she did remember me but not the price and was now asking for 450’000 shillings. Blowed if I’d be paying that much so I left satisfied with my first purchase. This guy has a really cool style so I can’t wait to see how it turns out. I think the lady had given me the first price because it was a rainy day and she needed to make a sale.  However today was not and she had probably met what she needed to sell so anything now was just a bonus. I then had a look around and saw a lion that looked like a real lion so I bought it for my collection which is basically complete. Then I saw another lion, that was a light wood and it was really cool and the guy had said the magical words ‘I will give you good price’... when they say this it means they are desperate for a sale and you can get pretty low. I think today I only really discovered this side of the game and if I had had that prior knowledge I could have haggled him down lower. So that will be Riley’s lion. I think he wanted a cheetah but I haven’t found one that looks like a real cheetah so I think this is a much better choice.
Also today I have been talking to Natalie (my twin) about fasting and have decided that we will both fast on Tuesday’s. I have never been very into fasting but I think I should. She said one thing that pretty much sold me to the idea... ‘ Fasting isn’t meant to be healthy for the body, it’s meant to be healthy for the soul’. So I can’t wait and then Hannah was talking to me saying that fasting is good to get self-control, focus on God and to get to a place of breakthrough; which is basically for me ticking D) all of the above.
Also this week I have been asked by Solomon to paint a portrait of him and his girlfriend. I have started so this should be interesting. He was also very fnd of the sick bird I think even though we had it for not even 24hr and had even named it something like Qaurii boy. He watched my kill it, which I am not sure was the best idea even thoug he seemed  fine, but insisted we make a cross and we put some flowers on the grave. It was a quick berial because I didn’t want him to see it flapping around when the nerves kicked in so it was straight into the hole and covered up. I thought that people in Africa would all be accustomed to death but apparently not as Kevin had pleaded we wait till this afternoon to end its misery and I had agreed with the terms that if it wasn’t better or dead it would have to be done to be nice. I also finally wrote a letter to my sponsor child and painted him a picture so I will hopefully send it tomorrow.
This week has been very good and I hope that the one to come will be equally as exciting. I feel like I am about to have a break through over the next period and move into a new season. So prayers for that please. This week I have really felt for me that sometimes you can't have plan b because you won't make plan A happen or be totally committed. That in everything id do I should pursue excellence. And that I need to decide to be happy and stay committed to Gods will because my own will is dangerouse and doesn't know what it wants. What is God's will? Look around you, it won't be to far away if not right under your nose. I think that is everything and I wanted to leave you with this quote.
Forget Mistakes.
Forget Failure.
Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.
-Will Durant

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