Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Week 12- Being you in a big way

Week 12 26/3/13 - 1/4/13
Tuesday -26/3/13
Today we had our ministry at the jail and then had the night worship thing with the prayer.
Tonight we had a worship service which was just incredible. We started with praise and worship which was followed by a sermon on the nights topic healing. The sermon was fantastic and I loved every bit, it was powerful and full of truth. Then we had a prayer revival time and that’s when things got crazy. There were the pastors up the front so people could go up for prayer, a man on stage speaking in tongs and people all around me crying and speaking in tongs. I speak in tongs but for me it is more of a controlled language which I usually use when I don’t know what to say (which is a lot of the time, I mean there aren’t enough words to tell God how awesome he is). People were being carried out, paralysed by the spirit. I prayed for a few people in tongs because I felt lead to, it honestly wasn’t  too intense though. I went up the front also for prayer over a few things as again I felt lead to by a fire in my chest. I felt a lot better afterwards and have felt at peace with God and Jesus revealed to me that I had crossed over into a new season and it was so refreshing to feel that new fresh air. So the last season had started just before I finished school and has ended halfway through 360. I feel that in the last season I was learning some basic but also complex things about being an adult and an adult minded Christian, like controlling emotions and tantrums etc. I feel that in this season I will be growing in the gifts of spirit, and more in my spiritual relationship; hopefully I will become one of those God fearing demon out casting people...that would be really cool as I have been there before but that is another story. Yeah I believe that this season will be the hyper spirituality one where I am just overwhelmed with Christ and his virtues. Adding some colour to the foundations of everything I am to learn here and I hope that in this season I will become closer to Christ. I even had some of my international sisters say they were creeping on me in the service and said how far I had come, so that was a huge encouragement. I guess the main thing is just to trust and obey, I have always heard this and understood it in my head but lately I am learning and believing it in my heart. A lot of those things you grow up hearing and just carry around in your head are now becoming real to me in my heart; it is real to me that God has to reveal it to your heart for it to be real in your life. So I guess you’re probably thinking yeah yeah what would expect he’s probably in Africa high off his face with Jesus etc; but in reality I feel quite sober a lot of the time and that is the best because what I am feeling and learning being in my normal state of mind means they are virtues, and victories in battles that I will have forever, not just while I am here. I think since the half way mark I am just feeling a lot more connected to me being here and I feel like I am more in tune with my purpose and am able to have an even more incredible time now that I am over the half way hill and now sliding down. The hardest has been done and now the fun begins (hopefully there is still heaps of hard stuff as it wouldn’t be fun without those things).
Thursday -28/3/13
Today was our full day ministry in which we visited the God’s Grace Orphanage. It had rained the previous night so school was cancelled and this meant we had more time to play with the kids. After our little van struggled up the muddy we were instantly greeted by all these kids. As each of us got out of the bus we had a group surround us; holding our hands as we walked up to the classrooms which were the equivalent of horse stables. I was with a group of boys who were very attentive and eager to just to have us around; one boy showed me a torch he had made from batteries a tiny light bulb and some straggly pieces of copper who wanted to be a lawyer. They then found that I had a camera and ounce they had it, the fun began. They basically spent the whole time we were there taking pictures of everything and anything; which was fantastic because I got to spend the whole time playing with the kids and getting heaps of good pictures. We spent some of the time watching a soap opera which was really stupid, but all the small kids were there so we played with them. We walked around and saw all their animals, fetched water from a flowing pipe and then at the end of the day we had a tour of the facility before we left. The place was not in a good state with dirt and broken things everywhere. But then when you have 120 kids living in a 3 bedroom house what do you expect. None the less the children are very happy, well behaved and have oodles of potential. I wish these kids had the opportunities of the kids in Australia because they would dominate the whole world; it is such a shame that such bright kids will never get the opportunities that would see them soaring in success. So today was fantastic and I can’t wait to go back.
Friday -29/3/13
Today we had the day off and I have done basically nothing until ‘Night to Unite’ at night. It was the most incredible time, with at least 10 churches making the whole event up. It was so much fun and we were jumping and dancing to these songs, I felt like I was at the Ugandan big Day out. I don’t know how I can explain its awesomeness and how much fun the night was and I will leave it at being infinitely incredible, ha.
Saturday -30/3/13
Today was a day off and I had a fantastic day out on the town of Kampala with Peter and Thomas. We had lunch at Java’s were we discussed many things about politics etc. We then spent the rest of the day exploring the town looking at a quarry, being stuck behind a wedding, we went to a private park that looked at Lake Victoria and then we went to an awesome restaurant that was on a hill that over looked the whole of Kampala and Lake Victoria and we ate chips and drinks sodas; it was the most heavenly time. It was a fantasticfunincredibalicticle day and I thank Peter Eseet so much for an amazing day.
Monday -1/4/13
All I can say for today is April fools. Today consisted of the girls planting alarms in Thomas and My room which woke us up at 4am and then me and Thomas rigging up all our pranks (we actually hadn’t planned anything) which consisted looking up the doors in the house and having the sound system on high and it set to go off at 5 and then into the garden to collect as many snails as we could and put them on the table in a bottle covered up with a note saying breakfast served so that when they got out of the back door and around the front to turn off the music (bullet proof by La Roux) they would see it unveil it and be freaked out. It all worked perfectly and we all were up early and tired for the whole day basically. We then went out for Java’s for lunch and then came home for our Easter celebrations which consisted of panting paper cut out eggs and a egg hunt which was egg cut outs tapped to a chocolate; a very good day indeed. So that was my week.

This week has been pretty crazy and I have discovered a few things. The first is that I am a lot stronger than I thought I was and can adjust and cope with heaps of things that I thought initially would crush me. I haven’t cried ounce here, I haven’t totally lost my mind and I have been able to grow beyond just mentally staying sane here. So I think I have done pretty well and it is crazy I am now on the downward road, I feel like I got here just the other day but when I think back on everything I have done here it is a lot. The second is that even if I don’t see the changes instantly or in a big way I defiantly have changed and grown and in the end for someone my age who is still fresh out of childhood doing something like this is pretty radical. I mean the longest I have been away from my family is two weeks and then being able to go to a totally different cutler for 6 months designed to test you and survive in itself, regardless of any other growth for me at least is a pretty big feat. I sometimes wonder if I have achieved enough but then this verse that I read allows me to be in peace about everything I have done here and the rate at which I have grown etc.

Romans 8                                                                                                                                              “28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God to those called according to his purpose.”

I think this is a pretty safe verse to lean o in my times of losing my mind. And I was talking to Callie about how I am basically mentally in sane and can be evil at times and was saying how I wanted to be that guy who was nice and everyone liked and was perfect and then she said something that made my whole identity feel at peace and made me feel ok with who I naturally am. She said those people who aren’t crazy are boring in the end, being crazy makes you fun and interesting and unique. So I now feel ok about myself and don’t have to worry about whom I am or what I do. It finally makes sense in my heart what people have been telling me all my life; “Just be you”. And so with one step at a time as I descend into and out of madness I will be at peace with who I am and what I am doing, I hope you all get to that realization that the best person to be is you because no one is better at being you then you. The best person to be is you in a big way and not be held back by anything but to be changed in a giant explosion each day.

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